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El nombre de la autora es Shirley Perez Herrera, que su padre es Melchor Perez el cantante que popularizo el Vacile del Gago a principio de los 90. La historia de por si de la cancion original es unica ya que en ese momento no habia artistas feminos que predominaran en el genero y Shirley esencialmente abrio las puertas.
Con el tiempo he aprendido apreciar la version mas popera de Yuranis ya que retomo un tema que estaba desaparecido y lo puso a una generacion nueva, la version mas reciente no trae los temas de la calle y la inferencia a bandas criminales de Cartagena y barrios populares pero pone como un tema bailable y para hacer desorden lo que hace un tema de por si chevere que va con los tiempos de la Costa Caribe.
Mientras buscaba informacion para esta entranda, encontre pocos articulos, pero fueron bastante substanciosos ya que por años me pregunte en donde el tema original fue grabado? Y mi sorpresa fue en un estudio casero en El Pie de la Popa en el año 96 - en las fuentes deje un enlace para los diferentes articulos, que encontre con respecto a la version original y asumo que en un punto de la historia como Cartagena es una ciudad pequeña y la mayoria de la gente se conoce entre si y mas en la parte de las artes, el esposo de Yuranis que es El Mr Black habra contactado a Shirley y pidio permiso en nombre de su esposa para hacer un remix y una nueva version de la cancion en 20 años desde su estreno.
La parte que me llama la atencion es como tambien YouTube ha mantenido la historia de la musica Cartagenera, la cancion ha estado en pie por mas de 10 años en diferentes perfiles al igual que otras de hace 35 años como la de Las Tortugas Ninja, Los Caballeros del Zodiaco, El Vacile del Pato para nombrar tres de las tantas.
La version original refleja la realidad popular en Cartagena, que en un punto va con dos ciudades en una, lo que es El Balneario Turistico contra el resto del pueblo Cartagenero. Las cancion habla del barrio Nariño; de Las Sailor Moon que es una banda que va por los barrios de Nariño, el 20 de Julio, Sampayo y van marcando el territorio pero es dificil saber si en verdad hubo una banda criminal en ese entonces, en si han habido varias bandas a nicel nacional que han usado el codigo de Las Sailor Moon.
Si estas leytendo y te preguntas porque use el pronombre plural Las para mencionar a Sailor Moon, estoy mencionado a un grupo y es el calificativo plural que es bastante comun en la Costa Caribe en darle a singulares signifcados plurales.
La historia de la cancion original es interesante porque no fue Shirley la que grabo el tema aunque es la autora y compositora, pero la voz es de la artista Cristiana - Rosalba Santana Guerrero - que ocupo el lugar de Shirley despues que la autora fue a cantar en un pick-up (punto de musica en la Costa donde diferentes cantantes van a promover su musica) Barranquillero con su novio que era competencia de su padre Melchor y Melchor de por si no la dejo grabar el tema como castigo por desobediencia.
Hay mucha realidad popular en las letras de la cancion, tambien hay referencia al show como El Principe Endemion, Sailor Mars y Mercury y la Reina Beryl si estuvieran en Cartagena y fueran parte de una banda pero como toda cancion popular Colombiana tambien hay referencias a barrios y gente conocida de la autora.
Short entry today, at least short entry for the day.
Somedays is easier, somedays is harder. Today has been easier, walking has become an issue as time pass by, speaking has become another issue - I can't really speak for around 20 minutes during lectures without gasping for air - For some reason the memories of Yolanda saying I was lazy comes through my head over and over when I have a flare. "Weird" how it was valid when she had it while been alive but I wasn't allowed because I was young. -
Today has been easier, with time has been easier, I can't see myself working in retail as I used to; it was already difficult without any accommodations, plus working a job that is not unionized as a main source of income is not an option anymore.
Same in my current position, I am happy here, I been happier where I work because I get threated as a human being instead of a product and I don't see myself going back to retail again. I am in my little happy place, enjoying the morning and knowing I can adapt to my surroundings without feeling less human.
Learning and studying constantly have become a joy, being alive has become one joy even with the difficulties.
I haven't wrote in a while, a little over a decade. I guess things change, almost 40 at this moment and finally fulfilling my job ambition in academics (even if is only been three years - four in January of 2024) since day one. A lot has changed even with the difficulties as I have my own voice fully to express myself and I have a solid network of friends who are more like family and family members that are close to me as wheel.
I been in my own classroom for the last year an half, not necessarily per se my own classroom as I am a lab monitor but I have my space, my rules and my own kids which is something I treasure. I had the chance for the last two years to shadow other teachers, sub and learn from them. I am writing because today I finally reached that point in life that I am comfortable with my own skin, even in times that is difficult to be happy with yourself.
What is happiness? I don't know, it change from everyone to everyone, for me "Is to be able to live and be myself without having to hide myself to fit in the societal expectations" is simple and is something I pass to the students. Is quite surreal even a year and half later to have my own space and is something that daily I am proud of.
Albeit, within those expectations from society we forget that we were kids once and we grow old to become just part of an engine that keeps a difficult time for younger generations. I am not going to go in an analysis of self by systemic approach because that is an eternity, an eternity that last in the blink of an eye. I learned in that concept of eternity that we kindness can bring a lot to the table of expectations, same with boundaries because are linked to our well-beings in an individual and social levels.
Social levels that are interlinked within the different classrooms around the globe, one person in the entire campus in the thousands that are around the globe can make a difference in someone's life, someone's who is young and probably have no support at home - we essentially become some sort of extended family for the kids, a lease family for the time they are in the school but an impression that can last forever, for good or bad -
It breaks my heart and soul daily to know how difficult a lot of the demographics I proctor have and will have in life; I can't be mean to them at all, just myself without putting a facade who is not who I am, myself who can reach them and can help to create a change.
I will write more, little by little as I paint. I haven't wrote consistently in 12 years because I couldn't find myself, I couldn't find a new voice that wasn't linked in sorrow and now is a voice linked to hope.
Gustavo Petro was born on April 19, 1960, in Ciénaga de Oro, a small town in the department of Córdoba, Colombia. He grew up in poverty and experienced first-hand the injustices of Colombia's unequal society. At the age of 16, Petro joined the guerrilla group M-19, which fought against the Colombian government in the 1980s. After the demobilization of M-19 in 1990, Petro became a union leader and was elected to the Colombian Senate in 2006.
As a senator, Petro was known for his fierce criticism of Colombia's political establishment, which he accused of corruption, clientelism, and human rights abuses. He also championed causes such as workers' rights, environmental protection, and peace negotiations with guerrilla groups. In 2010, Petro ran for president as the candidate of the Alternative Democratic Pole (PDA), a left-wing coalition of parties. Although he did not win the election, Petro's campaign attracted significant support from young people, social movements, and progressive intellectuals.
After his presidential bid, Petro returned to the Senate, where he continued to push for political reform and social justice. In 2014, he was elected mayor of Bogotá, Colombia's capital and largest city. As mayor, Petro implemented a series of policies aimed at reducing inequality, promoting sustainable development, and fighting corruption. Some of his most notable achievements include:
Despite his popularity among some sectors of Colombian society, Petro also faced fierce opposition from conservative politicians, business groups, and the media. His policies were often criticized as too radical, too expensive, or simply unrealistic. In 2018, Petro ran for president again, this time as an independent candidate. Although he made it to the second round of the election, he was ultimately defeated by the right-wing candidate Iván Duque.
Petro's impact on Colombian politics goes beyond his electoral results. He has been instrumental in shifting the country's political discourse towards the left, and in challenging the traditional parties' monopoly on power. He has also inspired a new generation of progressive leaders and activists who are fighting for social and environmental justice in Colombia.
In conclusion, Gustavo Petro is a key figure in Colombian politics who has played a significant role in the country's recent history. His political career has been marked by his commitment to social justice, political reform, and environmental sustainability. Although he has faced significant opposition and criticism, Petro's ideas and policies have resonated with millions of Colombians who are demanding a more equitable and democratic society.