Friday, December 8, 2023

A Current Analysis to the Four Freedoms, Part One


Freedom of Speech
The four freedoms by Norman are series of painting that after 50 years they have some relevance because they are based on the peril of the world versus an idealized version of what constitutes the life in the United States.

As I turn older, I see Freedom of Speech from the series of four the most prevalent one because a lot of people in the last 8 years can't dissociate that with freedoms there are consequences. The art of Norman Rockwell comes from an idealization back when reality was more dual in terms of social development and equity to all of the citizens.

I personally love the art of Norman Rockwell because from a commercial and marketing point of view it encompass a sense of nostalgia that transcends time and encompass a sole root in the Americana Pop Culture. From an art analysis there's a polarization in the Rockwell paintings because of the message they give as sucrose but instead we need to look him as a painter that was a byproduct of his time and worked towards the war efforts and reconstruction of the United States towards his art.

Freedom of Speech is one of my favorites, it juxtapose with the today ideal of freedom that we have to speak what we believe but a lot of people forget there are consequences towards the speech we can give. The composition of the painting follows a triangular pyramid order which centers the figure of the man as the main focus for the viewer, the hierarchy is really simple but effective because we as viewers we can see the story and how people are focused at the main character who is exercising his freedom of speech yet we don't see discomfort on any of the other faces but rather a complacent crowd who seems to agree with him.

I am trying to think that today we can found a similar aspect in which being complacent goes with accepting unwanted behavior such as accepting Neo-Nazi's ideologies because they are protected under the constitution, there is no freedom without consequences and that goes beyond the idyllic idea that we live in a perfect country because we don't. The ideas from Norman Rockwell comes from a time where the exchange of information was limited by how far people could interact, a time without the Internet where you could have pen-pals but your sources come from local and regional media to know what was happening around your community and not even in an international grounds.

Is hard to think of a time where people were naïve but it existed, it was a frame of human history that isn't far away from contemporary times, we can think of the concept back in the early 1980's up to the mid 1990's where the last time where communication was centralized and freedom of speech was influenced as far as we could reach.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Tyra and James

I found the story of James William Ross a.k.a. Tyra Sanchez quite interesting because it shown the paths that can lead after fame. I am going to be updating this profile as I get more information because there is not enough information to find online.

I didn't knew King Tyra was a neighbor, still I find that fascinating that I had the chance to say hello to one of the most iconic performers in the scene of Drag Race. The first time I heard Tyra was living near us was when my fiancé mentioned that we were going to be living near a celebrity, a piece of information he got from a friend who also lives in the same are as us. I had to ask Josh to be more precise because I never guess properly and then he mentioned we live in the same place as Tyra Sanchez, and yes I was surprised because I never expected that.

Josh then explain to me that Tyra had some issues with the law around Bradford County and he was arrested after an incident with protesting and having disorderly conduct, the part that got me was a few weeks later while we were heading back home we saw someone in one of the intersections of town protesting against the police with a very colorful outfit and I wish I had taken a photo, Josh ask me if it was OK if we could bring them water and we stopped at the closest pharmacy and we got some water and give it to the protestor.

We weren't sure that was him, but Josh was happy we could support someone who is queer and as well protesting against the police of the county, until a few days later out of curiosity I started to check online and it matched all the information with dates that the person standing in the corner protesting was Tyra himself and found out the charges placed during the first week of July were dropped as in the second week of June she was sporting a sign that was aimed at the police of Starke, Florida saying he is a free person and out of charges.

This is where I finish this entry until I can gather further information and be able to expand this entry

Recordando a Rolando


    Rolando siempre tendra 43 años, en tres años yo tendre la edad de Rolando, es tan raro pensar que un dia yo sere mas viejo que mi profesor y algun dia los dos estaremos en las memorias de la gente. En este momento han pasado 16 años, 17 ahora en Febrero 23 del 2024 y todavia el crimen no ha sido resuelto y la Policia Metropolitana de Cartagena no se ha disculpado por el discurso homofobico diciendo que el crimen fue un crimen pasional, pero nadie ha sido juzgado y la memoria de Rolando sigue manchada debido a la actitud.

    Honestamente despues de casi 20 años la respuesta al crimen sigue en el limbo. Se sabe que fallecio debido a un arma blanca, el posible sicario tenia accesso a la casa donde vivia Rolando y que la Policia Metropolitana no hizo absolutamente nada en frente a un pronunciamento y a lo largo de este tiempo no han habido avances y cada vez que los años pasan se hace mas dificil encontrar coherencia a una respuesta del crimen.

    En el año 2014 el caso fue asignado a un fiscal que era destacado en casos de violencia contra la poblacion LGBTIA pero de acuerdo al Caribe Afirmativo 16 años despues no habido un avance significativo. De acuerdo con testigos que vieron el cuerpo de Rolando, vieron que el cuerpo presentaba heridas en la cabeza que problablemente fueron causadas con un martillo que fue un punto que los testigos y el reporte policiaco tuvieron en comun.

    El Estado a lo largo de los años no ha hecho mucho, y la sombra que la policia Metropolitana de Cartagena dejo como un caso de maricones debido a que no le vieron importancia y no habido rasgos de voluntad de justicia por parte del Estado Colombiano.

    Es escabroso pensar que la policia sencillamente justifico el asesinato como un caso pacional y que todavia el culpable sigue en la impunidad. Recordando claves del caso, unos meses antes Rolando fue robado utilizando escopolaminas y recibio amenazas debido a su labor de defensa de los derechos humanos de la poblacion LGBTIA el cual tenia un programa radial en Cartagena.

    Su cumpleaños era el 24 de Febrero, su pareja de 23 años Edgar Plata recibio una llamada que Rolando no estaba respondiendo el celular y que algo malo le habia pasado, la mejor amiga de Rolando Claudia fue la que identifico el cadaver de Rolando, y el Coronel de la Policia Carlos Mena Bravo llego a la escena y en frente de los medios de comunicacion nacional y regionales dijo que el ciudadano llevaba una vida desordenada y la razon del caso fue promiscuidad lo que lo llevo a su deceso.

    La declaracion del General causo indignacion porque se supone que la policia tiene que proteger las garantias de las victimas y no vulnerarlos para justificar los hechos, en los ultimos 16 años el General nunca se retracto acerca de sus comentarios y de acuerdo con un articulo de hace 7 años del periodico El Espectador en el 2016 los casos de violencia policial contra la poblacion LGBTI con 135 casos minimos.

    El proximo 23 de Febrero del 2024 sera el cumpleaños numero 58 de Rolando, pero por siempre seran 43 años.


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Pluto and Discrimination (Spoilers)

As November 16th of 2023 there has been a lot of buzz about Pluto, a manga created by Naoki Urasawa and with a series in Netflix there has been plenty of conversation about Pluto due the contemporary issues that border around discrimination, equity and equal rights that match the civil rights to a marginalized group which in-universe are robots to the Civil Rights movement or even Pride.

We need to think that is just a reinterpretation of The Greatest Robot on Earth arc that was in Astro Boy back in the 1960's and many other reinterpretations in the last five decades. Pluto is a complete juxtaposition of the original material, it's gritty and it has some essence that transcendent in to current world issues that are linked to discrimination and system race.

You as a viewer can see it on how the world deals with robots, is not that difficult to compare it to how systemic racism has pushed people of color down the rug in States with little to no development in the infrastructure of their people and how that lack of investment reflects in the culture and people life development. Is not difficult to see robots as a marginalized groups where their basic rights are constantly placed in danger.

Episode 1 and episode 5 have moments in which we can see how robots are threated, when they die they are handled as mere junk instead of acknowledging they are gone and there's no way to bring them back much as a person would be when they are declared dead, but even when they are gone there are comments by minor characters that their bodies are just junk which mimics a similar state when police and other public official mention when a transgender or genderqueer person is killed, the officials just mentions their lives were a mess and they got what they deserved.

The point that got my attention is within episode 5 which reveals how Gesicht  learned about rage and gained a motivation that made his AI to act beyond the robot laws and kill a human which was the brother of Adolf Haas who was murdering robot children. Similar situation goes with the general premise of the series which on some extent equals the gay panic defense which diminish the life of the people who were murdered.

Within the intricate narrative tapestry of Pluto, the exploration of discrimination goes beyond the realm of robotic rights and delves into the depths of racial inequality. The parallels drawn between the plight of robots and the systemic racism faced by people of color offer a poignant commentary on the shared struggles of marginalized communities.

The juxtaposition of how society deals with robots in the series mirrors the historical and ongoing challenges faced by communities of color, particularly in the United States. The narrative underscores the stark reality of systemic racism, where communities with little to no investment in their infrastructure find themselves pushed to the margins. The lack of development and support for these communities has a profound impact on culture and individual life trajectories, echoing the deeply entrenched racial disparities witnessed in society.

Episodes 1 and 5 provide crucial moments that amplify the social commentary. The dehumanizing treatment of robots when they meet their demise reflects a callousness akin to the dismissal of lives in marginalized communities. The dialogue surrounding robot "bodies" as mere junk echoes the troubling rhetoric employed by authorities when addressing the deaths of individuals from racial or ethnic minorities, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and reinforcing systemic biases.

In Episode 5, Gesicht's journey becomes a microcosm of the broader societal struggles against discrimination. His discovery of rage and his subsequent deviation from established robot laws to confront the human perpetrator draws an unsettling parallel to real-world scenarios where individuals, driven to the brink by systemic injustices, act outside established norms. This mirrors instances where marginalized communities, in the face of adversity, are compelled to challenge oppressive systems.

The series delves into the complexities of Gesicht's motivations, portraying the blurred lines between right and wrong, much like the gray areas that characterize discussions around racism and discrimination. The narrative prompts viewers to reflect on the cyclical nature of injustice and the repercussions of historical traumas, drawing connections to the deep-rooted struggles against racism that persist today.

Pluto's exploration of discrimination and racism extends beyond a mere reflection of societal issues; it serves as a compelling call to action. By weaving these themes into the narrative, the series challenges viewers to confront uncomfortable truths and actively engage in dismantling discriminatory systems. In doing so, Pluto transcends its robotic facade, emerging as a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of the interconnected struggles for racial and social justice in our contemporary world.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Champeta de Las Saylor Moon un Breve Recuento de la Cancion Original

Han pasado casi tres años desde que empece a escribir esto, y la he mantenido en stand by debido a problemas de salud pero con el tiempo he vuelto a ver la parte investigativa que le habia cogido fastidio a lo largo de los años. De todas la canciones del genero Terapia Criolla, Las Sailor Moon es una cancion que me llego al alma ya que a principio y mediados de la decada de los 90 no habian mujeres que representaran la champeta criolla.

El nombre de la autora es Shirley Perez Herrera, que su padre es Melchor Perez el cantante que popularizo el Vacile del Gago a principio de los 90. La historia de por si de la cancion original es unica ya que en ese momento no habia artistas feminos que predominaran en el genero y Shirley esencialmente abrio las puertas. 

Con el tiempo he aprendido apreciar la version mas popera de Yuranis ya que retomo un tema que estaba desaparecido y lo puso a una generacion nueva, la version mas reciente no trae los temas de la calle y la inferencia a bandas criminales de Cartagena y barrios populares pero pone como un tema bailable y para hacer desorden lo que hace un tema de por si chevere que va con los tiempos de la Costa Caribe.

Mientras buscaba informacion para esta entranda, encontre pocos articulos, pero fueron bastante substanciosos ya que por años me pregunte en donde el tema original fue grabado? Y mi sorpresa fue en un estudio casero en El Pie de la Popa en el año 96 - en las fuentes deje un enlace para los diferentes articulos, que encontre con respecto a la version original y asumo que en un punto de la historia como Cartagena es una ciudad pequeña y la mayoria de la gente se conoce entre si y mas en la parte de las artes, el esposo de Yuranis que es El Mr Black habra contactado a Shirley y pidio permiso en nombre de su esposa para hacer un remix y una nueva version de la cancion en 20 años desde su estreno.

La parte que me llama la atencion es como tambien YouTube ha mantenido la historia de la musica Cartagenera, la cancion ha estado en pie por mas de 10 años en diferentes perfiles al igual que otras de hace 35 años como la de Las Tortugas Ninja, Los Caballeros del Zodiaco, El Vacile del Pato para nombrar tres de las tantas.

La version original refleja la realidad popular en Cartagena, que en un punto va con dos ciudades en una, lo que es El Balneario Turistico contra el resto del pueblo Cartagenero. Las cancion habla del barrio Nariño; de Las Sailor Moon que es una banda que va por los barrios de Nariño, el 20 de Julio, Sampayo y van marcando el territorio pero es dificil saber si en verdad hubo una banda criminal en ese entonces, en si han habido varias bandas a nicel nacional que han usado el codigo de Las Sailor Moon.

Si estas leytendo y te preguntas porque use el pronombre plural Las para mencionar a Sailor Moon, estoy mencionado a un grupo y es el calificativo plural que es bastante comun en la Costa Caribe en darle a singulares signifcados plurales.

La historia de la cancion original es interesante porque no fue Shirley la que grabo el tema aunque es la autora y compositora, pero la voz es de la artista Cristiana - Rosalba Santana Guerrero - que ocupo el lugar de Shirley despues que la autora fue a cantar en un pick-up (punto de musica en la Costa donde diferentes cantantes van a promover su musica) Barranquillero con su novio que era competencia de su padre Melchor y Melchor de por si no la dejo grabar el tema como castigo por desobediencia.

Hay mucha realidad popular en las letras de la cancion, tambien hay referencia al show como El Principe Endemion, Sailor Mars y Mercury y la Reina Beryl si estuvieran en Cartagena y fueran parte de una banda pero como toda cancion popular Colombiana tambien hay referencias a barrios y gente conocida de la autora.


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Working alongside my Disabilities

 Short entry today, at least short entry for the day.

Somedays is easier, somedays is harder. Today has been easier, walking has become an issue as time pass by, speaking has become another issue - I can't really speak for around 20 minutes during lectures without gasping for air - For some reason the memories of Yolanda saying I was lazy comes through my head over and over when I have a flare. "Weird" how it was valid when she had it while been alive but I wasn't allowed because I was young. -

Today has been easier, with time has been easier, I can't see myself working in retail as I used to; it was already difficult without any accommodations, plus working a job that is not unionized as a main source of income is not an option anymore.

Same in my current position, I am happy here, I been happier where I work because I get threated as a human being instead of a product and I don't see myself going back to retail again. I am in my little happy place, enjoying the morning and knowing I can adapt to my surroundings without feeling less human. 

Learning and studying constantly have become a joy, being alive has become one joy even with the difficulties.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Rediscovering My Voice: A Decade-Long Journey of Change, Ambition, and Hope

 I haven't wrote in a while, a little over a decade. I guess things change, almost 40 at this moment and finally fulfilling my job ambition in academics (even if is only been three years - four in January of 2024) since day one. A lot has changed even with the difficulties as  I have my own voice fully to express myself and I have a solid network of friends who are more like family and family members that are close to me as wheel.

I been in my own classroom for the last year an half, not necessarily per se my own classroom as I am a lab monitor but I have my space, my rules and my own kids which is something I treasure. I had the chance for the last two years to shadow other teachers, sub and learn from them. I am writing because today I finally reached that point in life that I am comfortable with my own skin, even in times that is difficult to be happy with yourself.

What is happiness? I don't know, it change from everyone to everyone, for me "Is to be able to live and be myself without having to hide myself to fit in the societal expectations" is simple and is something I pass to the students. Is quite surreal even a year and half later to have my own space and is something that daily I am proud of.

Albeit, within those expectations from society we forget that we were kids once and we grow old to become just part of an engine that keeps a difficult time for younger generations. I am not going to go in an analysis of self by systemic approach because that is an eternity, an eternity that last in the blink of an eye. I learned in that concept of eternity that we kindness can bring a lot to the table of expectations, same with boundaries because are linked to our well-beings in an individual and social levels.

Social levels that are interlinked within the different classrooms around the globe, one person in the entire campus in the thousands that are around the globe can make a difference in someone's life, someone's who is young and probably have no support at home - we essentially become some sort of extended family for the kids, a lease family for the time they are in the school but an impression that can last forever, for good or bad - 

It breaks my heart and soul daily to know how difficult a lot of the demographics I proctor have and will have in life; I can't be mean to them at all, just myself without putting a facade who is not who I am, myself who can reach them and can help to create a change.

I will write more, little by little as I paint. I haven't wrote consistently in 12 years because I couldn't find myself, I couldn't find a new voice that wasn't linked in sorrow and now is a voice linked to hope.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Brief Essay of President of Colombia - Gustavo Petro

Gustavo Petro is a prominent Colombian politician who has made a significant impact on the country's political landscape. As a former guerrilla fighter, union leader, and senator, Petro has been a vocal advocate for social justice and political reform. In this essay, I will explore Petro's political career, his policies and ideas, and his impact on Colombian politics.

Gustavo Petro was born on April 19, 1960, in Ciénaga de Oro, a small town in the department of Córdoba, Colombia. He grew up in poverty and experienced first-hand the injustices of Colombia's unequal society. At the age of 16, Petro joined the guerrilla group M-19, which fought against the Colombian government in the 1980s. After the demobilization of M-19 in 1990, Petro became a union leader and was elected to the Colombian Senate in 2006.

As a senator, Petro was known for his fierce criticism of Colombia's political establishment, which he accused of corruption, clientelism, and human rights abuses. He also championed causes such as workers' rights, environmental protection, and peace negotiations with guerrilla groups. In 2010, Petro ran for president as the candidate of the Alternative Democratic Pole (PDA), a left-wing coalition of parties. Although he did not win the election, Petro's campaign attracted significant support from young people, social movements, and progressive intellectuals.

After his presidential bid, Petro returned to the Senate, where he continued to push for political reform and social justice. In 2014, he was elected mayor of Bogotá, Colombia's capital and largest city. As mayor, Petro implemented a series of policies aimed at reducing inequality, promoting sustainable development, and fighting corruption. Some of his most notable achievements include:

  • The implementation of a subsidized public transportation system for low-income residents, which reduced travel costs by up to 70%
  • The establishment of a public healthcare system that provided free medical services to over 2 million people
  • The creation of an anti-corruption agency that investigated and prosecuted corrupt officials
  • The promotion of urban agriculture and renewable energy projects to reduce Bogotá's carbon footprint

Despite his popularity among some sectors of Colombian society, Petro also faced fierce opposition from conservative politicians, business groups, and the media. His policies were often criticized as too radical, too expensive, or simply unrealistic. In 2018, Petro ran for president again, this time as an independent candidate. Although he made it to the second round of the election, he was ultimately defeated by the right-wing candidate Iván Duque.

Petro's impact on Colombian politics goes beyond his electoral results. He has been instrumental in shifting the country's political discourse towards the left, and in challenging the traditional parties' monopoly on power. He has also inspired a new generation of progressive leaders and activists who are fighting for social and environmental justice in Colombia.

In conclusion, Gustavo Petro is a key figure in Colombian politics who has played a significant role in the country's recent history. His political career has been marked by his commitment to social justice, political reform, and environmental sustainability. Although he has faced significant opposition and criticism, Petro's ideas and policies have resonated with millions of Colombians who are demanding a more equitable and democratic society.
